The MFA Chronicles

I am officially a Quarter-Master!

The fall semester concluded today with the submission of my final assignments for class. Whew! One down, three to go! Truthfully, this fall was a fairly hellacious experience (in a good way). I learned a lot but I’m more than ready for a break.

Even in my exhaustion, I’m super excited about the spring semester, in which I will have the opportunity to write a full length stage play or feature screenplay (or some other major narrative project of some kind). I haven’t decided yet the end product on which I’ll focus my efforts. Thankfully, I have a few weeks to mull it over.

One thing of which I’m certain - whether I write a stage play or a screenplay (or some other wild, interactive digital experience) - I will do so with a “production mindset,” that is, whatever I write this spring I’ll plan to produce it myself in the summer or fall. Taking this approach will necessarily limit my options (no intergalactic space travel or CGI, for instance). But as a creator I’m keen to self-produce my own stories. Particularly in today’s world, my aim is to “ship.” While this may or may not yield commercial success, I believe that “shipping” or finishing projects is ultimately the path to greatest fulfillment and success.

Rob RaffetyComment