Fall 2020 classes
I’m enrolled in two classes this fall - Dramatic & Cinematic Theory and Writing for Screen and Stage I.
Dramatic & Cinematic Theory is instructed by Andrew Swenson and requires a metric sh*t-ton of reading. To help keep track of all the assignments, I created a spreadsheet with links to all the readings, as well as some supplemental materials. I shared this tool with my classmates and they’ve greatly appreciated it thus far. Something I’ll say about my classmates - to a person they are all upbeat, engaged, and supportive. There’s a genuine camaraderie emerging among my cohort, which is great to see. This particular class requires weekly mini-essays and responses to classmates’ essays based on the readings. Here’s a link to my first mini-essay on aesthetic universals and Anton Checkov’s short story, “Gooseberries,” for which I received a score of 5/5.
Writing for Screen and Stage I is instructed by Matt Pelfrey (also the MFA program director). This class is divided into 2 sections of 7 weeks each. For the first section, I’m with 4 of my classmates in conceptualizing and writing a short film script (~10 pages) and a feature film beat sheet. For the second section of the course, we’ll switch teachers (Molly Rice) to conceptualize and write a short play. I’ll be discussing these projects in much greater detail on my podcast, so be sure to check that out. I’ll also post various drafts of the scripts as I make progress throughout the semester.