Motivated Monologue and 10 Min. Play
The writing assignments are coming fast and furious now! We’re reading a ton about traditional/formal approaches (Aristotelian structure & Euclidian characters) vs. unconventional styles and theater of the absurd. It’s a lot to take in, honestly. I have two pieces to share - both first drafts and lacking in quality, but nevertheless instructive for me personally.
1) Motivated Monologue
Write and post a monolog exploring the idea of "non-Euclidean character" (as explained in this essay by Mac Wellman). The monologue:
- should be 1-2 pages and use standard formatting;
- should have a specific, intentionally-chosen receiver or listener who remains unnamed and unseen throughout the piece (i.e., the speaker's relationship to the listener is not directly mentioned or able to be determined visibly);
- Your character should want something important to them throughout the monolog;
- Your character may never directly say what it is they want or are trying to get or make happen, why they want it, or directly announce when or if they get it. But we should be able to infer when or if it happens.
Here’s my piece, titled #NoRegrets.
2) 10 Min. Play
A 10 page play on any topic informed by our work and readings thus far. Initially, I wanted to write about a couple of deserter soldiers from competing sides of a war, but just wasn’t clicking story-wise so I threw together a draft of something completely different - a family dramedy of sorts called Play. Ground. Feedback from my professor and classmates was very positive. I’ll be actively rewriting the next few weeks and will post the “final” draft once it’s complete, so stay tuned!